Online safety - parents' zone
The internet has become a part of our everyday lives and is a wonderful tool to support teaching and learning in our school. However, it is essential that we teach children how to behave responsibly online both at home and at school, and importantly, how to stay safe.
At Fonthill Primary Academy we take this matter very seriously, following government advice on best practice. All children across the school are taught Online Safety in term 1 and are reminded of this work each term, and indeed each time they use the internet. Each class will create their own online staying safe charter which they refer to regularly.
In February 2022, we celebrated Safer Internet Day. The school councillors produced a newsletter about the things each class learnt and this was shared in our recent pastoral newsletter.
Below are some fantastic websites we recommend you visit for more information about keeping your child safe online. Remember, that as technology moves on, it is important to be aware of changes and things you can do to keep your children safe. is the educational programme of the National Crime Agency. It works to keep children safe both online and offline. The website includes information for parents about keeping their children safe online, as well as animations you can show your children, and where to go to report online abuse.
Do you ever feel that you don't know enough about the apps and games your children are using?
National Online Safety have created a number of posters for parents which give top tips on the most popular online apps and guidance on how to let your child use them whilst also keeping them safe. There are some examples saved below:
Vodafone has an excellent website full of resources about keeping children safe online and on their phones:
It also has links to their story #Goldilocks: a fairytale for the digital age, which we have shared with the children, and you might like to, too.
The Gifted Geek website also has a detailed guide to keeping children safe:
The websites below also contain further information which we encourage you to visit as a family.