If your child is unwell please report your child absent by using the My Child at School (MCAS) ap. Alternatively, you can call the school to report the absence. The number is 0117 377 2550. Please leave a message on the attendance line or speak to a member of the office team.
Routine appointments should always be made outside school hours. If your child has an appointment during school hours please be prepared to provide evidence of the appointment, this could be the text, appointment card, letter or prescription.
If your child needs medication (e.g. anti-biotics) to be administered during school hours then please complete a form from the school office. A school First Aider will ensure the medicine is administered correctly.
If you need to take your child out of school for any reason during term time an 'Absence Request' form must be completed and handed in to the office no later than 10 days before the planned absence.
In line with government guidance, holidays cannot be authorised. Absence during term time can only be authorised by governors, and only under exceptional circumstances.
For more information about this please read the Trust's attendance policy which can be found here. Please note this policy is being aligned with Trust in Learning Policy and will be amended shortly.